These are some character concept sketches for the idea of the yeti. Yes, Chewbacca was one of the references.

This is probably the first digital painting that I have ever done. I felt like using this medium for our first Comic Book project of creating an illustration for a song of our choosing. I chose Arcade Fire's "Neighborhood #1(Tunnels)"

Our major assignment is to create a socially relevant story for a graphic novel/comic book.
These are some concept sketches for the main character. Now, which one shall be chosen?

My story responds to the treatment of the elderly in society.
This is a story that I have wanted to create for years but did not have the drive to put it down officially. A combination of the Comic Book Heroes class with Candy and life here in Los Angeles allowed me to finally give my main character a face and a life.
The social significance of this story is about the treatment of the elderly: whether treated as children who can't take care of themselves, or people who have passed their time as well as their usefulness.
This story shows that our senior citizens continue to live rich lives, and that we could learn a lot for our future if we take the time to stop and learn about our past.
Charly is a retired entertainer of the 30s and 40s that was abandoned by the entertainment industry. He tries to fend for himself in modern day Los Angeles, taking odd jobs here and there, all the while being moved along by the memories of his fame, past Los Angeles, and all those who once. loved him.
By the way, these are just a few of the images that I made for my story. I have three other people who are working with me on developing the artwork for Charly, and I am very grateful that they even chose my idea to be a part of.